But do you know some interesting facts about Facebook which according to recent news has had 800 Million users, who have not we think, or it is difficult for us to analyze it? Here are some unique facts about Facebook that was compiled based on surveys conducted in the UK to 2000 users of Facebook as a comparison material recently.
Interesting Facts About the Status Facebook :
- Although Facebook does not officially announced, but it is believed the current Facebook users has reached 800 Million people worldwide.
- If the status of the entire Facebooker printed in A4 size paper, then in just one year alone would produce 11, 5 billion pieces of good facebook status records containing aphorisms or alay status.
- In 1 day, the average user spends 32 minutes to read Facebook status. In one year alone, it takes about 573 billion hours to read all of your Facebook status for 1 year, assuming a page of A4 paper to read for 3 minutes (facebook facts point 2).
- The time needed to read the whole facebook status for 1 year (point to the fact 3) equal to the time it takes to circumnavigate the globe with Boing 747 aircraft for 8.5 million times.